Welcome to Alces Flight Center.
Your primary destination for professional HPC solutions and services.
Alces Flight Center provides you with centralised access for creation, evolution and management of your HPC solutions. Providing intuitive dashboards, service case handling and document management, Alces Flight Center gives you straightforward access to expert systems management, HPC solutions consultancy and more.
What is Alces Flight Center?

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Designed to help you make the most of your HPC resources, Alces Flight Center is your hub for procuring, building and maintaining a resilient HPC service provision. Coupled with a proactive managed services offering, Alces Flight Center enables you to focus on the evolution of your solution without the bother of day-to-day maintenance, freeing you to focus on supporting the areas of research that matter most to your organisation.
Alces Flight Center provides a complete dashboard-based overview of your HPC solutions, allowing you to quickly check on the status of individual service components, view historical enhancements and modifications, and submit requests to our team of HPC experts. With a consolidated view of your HPC services, whether they operate on premises or in the cloud, you gain a complete picture of what you have and how it performs -- making it easy to plan and manage your solution lifecycle with the Alces Flight crew and giving you a clear understanding where your solution needs to go next.